Thursday, October 28, 2010

live crab vending machine


Basically, in China they are selling LIVE crabs out of a vending machine at the Subway station.  What in the world do you do with a live crab on a subway?  I'm very curious.  If someone could inform me of what one does with a live crab on a subway please let me know.  200 crabs a day are sold... I'm intrigued.

check out the vid.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fact:  I love peanut butter & jelly sandwiches.  love em!  but when given the choice strawberry vs. grape jelly- strawberry will always win, HANDS DOWN.  i don't hate grape, i just like strawberry so much better- and so does the rest of the world.  why was grape jelly even invented?  Maybe to make strawberry jelly feel good about itself.  well- it worked.  congratulations strawberry jelly- you win!

SJFTW! (strawberry jelly for the win) 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Unseen & Unnoticed.

"People felt seen by Jesus.  Jesus' willingness to openly see people (particularly those who often went unseen and unnoticed) was at the heart of his ministry." -Contemplative Youth Ministry

As I read this, two things come to mind.

1.  Who are the people/groups today whom fit into this category of "unseen" and "unnoticed"?  

2. What is at the heart of my ministry?

I've been praying about these questions for a while now.  Asking God to give me clear vision alongside great creativity.  As Christians, where are we not getting it?  Jesus doesn't forget anyone.  Each of us are precious in His eyes.  My heart breaks for those who are going unseen and unnoticed.  Let our eyes be opened.

I'd love some feedback.  Who are the people/groups today who you feel are unseen and unnoticed?  Email me your thoughts at or

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

to be part of the unexplainable.

This past week, I had a conversation with a friend and it stuck with me a bit longer than some conversations do. He was talking about our upcoming Jr High retreat (he was the retreat speaker) and he said, "I want to be part of the unexplainable".  He was referring to the tendency we all have to fall back on the routine, or the obvious, or the explainable  patterns of life.  He wants to break that cycle- and be part of something that no one can claim other than the POWER of Christ! Part of the problem is in our nature of being busy- filling each moment of every day, wrapped up in the minute details or overwhelming hugeness of something other than allowing ourselves the time, silence, patience to see what He is doing and where He is at work in our lives and in the world around us.  

Tonight I heard a song titled Solution, by Hillsong.  It's not a new song.  But it is a new song to me.  The words to this bridge made me want to yell AMEN... loud.   This is the power of Christ!  This is impossible! THIS IS THE UNEXPLAINABLE!  

Only You can mend the broken heart

And cause the blind to see
Erase complete the sinners past
And set the captives free
Only You can take the widows cry
And cause her heart to sing
Be a Father to the fatherless
Our Savior and our King

In the worlds eyes, the words above make no sense.  At all.  The point of being blind, means you can't see! But HE causes the blind to see... unexplainable.  He is a Father to the fatherless.  What?!  He can take something to tragic as a widow's cry and cause her heart to sing??? This is CRAZY! This. Is. Crazy. I want to be part of the unexplainable.  I want my life to reflect the unexplainable.  When the world experiences the unexplainable, eyes are opened and hearts are softened.  

Take some time.  Be patient.  Allow God to show you His wonders all around you- the things that just cannot be explained in any other way than by pointing upward.  

Monday, October 18, 2010

My Favorite Canadians

"Who are these favorite Canadians?" you may be asking.  Valid question.  Here is your valid answer... they go by the name of Article One; a Christian pop rock band from London, Ontario... CANADA. (Hence..."canadians")  

Now- "why are they my favorite Canadians?"  Another valid question.  Well, two reasons.  First being, Nathan was the one who titled this post and dubbed himself and the rest of the band "my favorite Canadians".  I don't think he actually thought I'd post this- but he did title this post. So I went with it! And second, these boys have been such a blessing in my life over the past almost 2 years, I can't help but admit that it's true. They are my favorite Canadians.  :-)

Lastly, "why would I post a blog about my favorite Canadians?" Yes- you don't see me posting anything about my favorite americans, or australians, hmm?  Well, mostly I just wanted to rant and rave about how proud I am of these guys and encourage all of you to check them out. (It honestly has nothing to do with their nationality.)  


They have a brand new record that is being released in Canada TOMORROW (October 19th).  Unfortunately, not many of you are from Canada, EH!? Well, that's ok!  Starting tomorrow- and lasting for one week, you need to visit their site and listen to a free streaming of their brand new record!  You can also order a cd online and it'll be shipped to you in the US. Every one of these guys has an incredible gift of music, a heart worth knowing, and love for Christ that can not be denied.  They are willing to be used by God wherever He may place them, and their joy and strong sense of faith is evident in the way that they allow Jesus to lead them throughout their musical journey.  

They have worked so hard on this record, and I can't wait to see how He uses it for His glory!  Listen to this record- you will see just how transparent and real they are through the songs written about redemption, love, surrender- CHRIST! Be praying for these guys- that God would use their gifts and show them how to be most effective in expanding His Kingdom for HIS GLORY.  

Be sure to check out their website tomorrow!

Nathan, Me and Dave in New Mexico- Sept 2009

Friday, October 1, 2010

I have 10 things to tell you today.

1.  Taylor Swift has a new album that will be released on Oct. 25th.  That is 25 days from today. 
2.  The Aggies should not have lost to the OSU Cowboys last night.  
3.   Texas weather in October is good for the soul.
4.  Often times, the picture on the package isn't what you're actually purchasing. (i.e. see rockstar wig)
5.  Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose.
6.  Your brain doesn't stop growing until your 25.  I've still got a year and a half 'til my prime!  
7.  Did you hear about the circus fire?  It was in-tents!  (intense)
8. If you are in 7th or 8th grade:  WILD WEEKEND IS OCTOBER 15-17.  BE THERE.
9.  The Woodlands is ranked as one of Yahoo travels 'coolest suburbs to visit'
10.  I hope you're having a great day!  :-)